How to improve the visibility of your website on Google? : The top 3 most useful tips
Visibility of your website is important. Today, about 60-70% of Swiss companies have a website, so it is increasingly difficult to stand out from the competition. This is why having a good SEO on Google has become fundamental to improve the visibility of your site and gain more traffic. But how to do it ? Review of the essential points.
1. Take the time to select your keywords for the best visibility of your website
To get to your website, Internet users will enter a request in the Google search bar. This query is made up of longer or shorter keywords that match their search.
It is therefore fundamental to choose relevant keywords, in line with the activity of your company, the contents of your internal site but above all the research of your prospects. To identify your keywords, put yourself in the shoes of a potential future customer. Ask yourself the right questions.
What is his need? What product or service will he be looking for? How will he formulate his request? By answering these questions, you will be able to establish a list of keywords that meet the search criteria of your leads. The more keywords you have related to the content on the page, the more the click-through rate will increase and improve the visibility of your site.
You can also assess the effectiveness of each keyword using tools like Google Keyword Planner for example. They will tell you for each keyword, the number of monthly searches or the score in terms of difficulty that you will have once arrived on the first page of results.
2. Follow Google Best Practices
Fill in the tags
To guarantee a good ranking of your site on Google, it is important to respect certain rules. Start by optimizing your HTML tags. Its tags allow the content of a web page to be formatted. For example :
- The tag (H1) corresponds to the title of your web page. It is important that it evokes the content present on the page.
- Meta description tag: this tag should provide a brief description (only 160 characters) of the page content. If you leave it blank, Google will do it for you, taking a “random” phrase from your content.
- The H2, H3 tags which correspond to the main subtitles.
These main tags inform Google about the subject of the page to be analyzed. Incorporating keywords into these tags will improve your SEO.
Plan links
Include internal and external links as well. Google’s algorithm will take its links into account to make your site stand out in search results pages.
3. Create, communicate and interact on social networks
Social networks have become a great tool to stand out from the competition. However, Google takes into account your social activity to optimize your SEO and therefore the visibility of your website. So remember to insert links to social networks on your site and publish quality content to interact with the communities that interest you.
Google has now become the main search engine in the world. You might as well try to take advantage of the opportunities presented by this tool to gain visibility and attract more visitors to your website.
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