The power of Hashtags
Created 10 years ago, the power of hashtags is undeniable. Here, a few tips to use them effectively during a mobile app development, the launch of a new product, an event…
Everybody knows what a hashtag is. Created in 2007 by Chris Messina, a hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#). Using a hashtag allows people to identify pictures, texts about a specific topic quickly. Hashtags are used on social media, especially on Twitter, the social media where hashtags were created. Everyone can use a hashtag, even the companies. Hashtags represent a big potential for your business. By using hashtags, you can reach new followers, create a discussion about a new product, have some feedbacks…
The first important thing is to use hashtag in the right place. Indeed, you can’t use hashtags on each platform using by your company. Hashtags are used on social media, but each social media has specific rules to succeed with the hash sign. On Twitter, it is important to not use too much hashtags in the same post. Studies have shown that a post on Twitter with 1 or 2 hashtag(s) will be more efficient that one with more that 2 hashtags. However, on the famous social media Instagram, studies have shown that picture with 11 hashtags create more interaction with the followers that posts with less or more hashtags. Hashtags are also used on other social media like Facebook and Pinterest but their impacts are less important. Moreover, professional social media like Linkedin are also using them. Like on Twitter, on Linkedin posts are better with a bigger impact thanks to 1 or 2 hashtag(s).
The second important thing is to choose a good hashtag for your company. It can be difficult to choose the best hashtag for your new product or to talk about your event. Indeed, millions of hashtags are created each day on social media. Your hashtag needs to be clear and short to be used by a maximum of people. You need to be careful about the way you are using hashtags. You don’t need to put the same hashtag on each of your posts. Create different hashtags is a good way to reach more people and to diversify your content. Specific companies are specialized in the creation of hashtags. If you are interested in creating a successful digital marketing campaign, contact us.
One more important thing is to maintain and nourish your hashtags. Created hashtags are a good thing, but your hashtags need to be maintained. If you are creating a hashtag for a special event, you must post pictures or texts before, during and after the event. More people are talking about your event using your hashtag more you can measure the impact of your event and your campaign. However, you can also have important feedbacks after the event. Feedbacks are essential to understand what didn’t work and what was a real success, to do better the next time. When you are developing an application or a product is the same! It is essential to have the opinion of your potential target. Mobile app development can be better thanks to the help of your followers.
Create your own social media campaign with the professional team of Swiss Tomato!