5 ways to create a successful website
When you create a business there are many things that needs to be done like choosing the right financial and taxation strategy and making marketing plans. However setting up the right website is as important as all of the above.
There are some useful tips to create a user friendly and successful website for your company.
#1 Clear and simple
First of all your webpage should be clear and simple since this is one of the most important pillars of your marketing strategy. Your company site can be visited 24 hours/day and through it, users can learn a lot about your business. As a result, your website should be unique, it needs to stand out from crowd. Pay attention to the visualization of your webpage, for example the fonts should be in a legible size and form, your text should be written in an appropriate style and your website should be divided into main menu and other listing points. Although it is important to give every possible detail of your company in your website, it shouldn’t be overcrowed with too much information. All in all your business webpage needs to be written in an appropriate style and it should look professional.
#2 Be up-to-date
Nothing worse than browsing an outdated site with old and irrelevant information. One of the best ways to keep your content up-to-date is to create a company blogsite, where you can inform your customers or potential customers the latest news about your business.
#3 SEO plans
We have already written a lot about the importance of search engine marketing. When you are planning your internet marketing strategies both paid (e.g. Google Adwords) and unpaid search engine methods are count. A good SEO startegy must attract visitors through well-constructed content marketing plans.
#4 Call to action
Usually, businesses have a company website because they want something to sell, anything from goods (e.g. clothes or flowers) to financial services. So, when you design your webpage you should motivate the visitors to do something: look or buy something or just click to somewhere. The best incentives are big and clear call to action buttons, for example if you have an e-commerce website, your BUY icon needs to be well-defined and clearly visible.
#5 Well defined business model
Before starting your webpage you should define an obvious and precise business model. It needs to be certainly state what you want to sell and for whom you want to merchandise it.
If you have comments, questions or have app development or web design needs in Switzerland, please contact us.