8 tips for a successful Google Adwords campaign
For small and middle-sized companies Google Adwords is one of the best online marketing tools to increase the number of leads and to gain more sales.
An Adwords campaign is easy to set up, but it is rather difficult to run the most efficient way, to spend less for the same leads or to gain more leads for the same money. Here are some tips from Swiss Tomato how you could improve your Google Adwords campaign.
1. Longtail
Go for the longtail! If you have a limited budget then find those keywords, which are not so competitive, maybe these keywords do not bring as much impressions as the commonly used phrases, but identifying many keywords like this can add up and can result in same number of clicks and conversion from less budget
2. Microsegmenting keywords
The worst thing you can do that you have 40 different keywords and you write one or two general ads for them, which cover more or less all of them. Unfortunately you can save this time energy to create smaller group of keywords and write specific ads for these, putting the keyword in the title or in the description part
3. Use the ad extensions
In many cases people forget to set up the ad extensions properly. Although a well placed location or phone number can highly increase your conversion rate.
4. Weekly Check
Make a routine to check your Adwords campaigns every Monday. Check the campaigns by keywords, by the different ads and also check the exact search phrases when your ad appeared. Every month check the different ad extensions and internal linkings as well. Don’t forget optimization is the key factor for an effective Adwords campaign.
5. Ad texts
Try to think with the user’s mindset. When a user searches on google he or she has a problem which he or she wants to resolve. Do not just write about your company’s services and products, provide a solution. Always try more ad text options. Incorporate a call to action into the ad. Those ads are more effective which contain the keyword in the title or in the description part.
6. Use the link
Did you know that you can determine the link which is shown at the bottom of your ad. The only restriction is, that it has to start with your domain eg: sample.com/ , but after that you are free to enter any text. Use this to describe your product or service as well. This grants you extra credibility and you do not have to waste characters on this in the title or description part of your ad.
7. Negative keywords
Especially in the beginning check the exact search phrases when your ad appeared, add those keywords to the negative keywords which are not relevant for you. When setting up a campaign you can already add: job, intern unless these are relevant for you and those geographical names which are absolutely not relevant for you the the negative keyword list.
8. Energy, Energy, Energy
Invest energy and time into your adwords campaign without that you will lose a lot of money and possible sales. Check carefully your keywords, microsegment them, write special ads for all the different keywords, create ad extensions, think about the negative keywords and after this optimize your campaign every week.
For further hints and tricks Swiss Tomato is here to help you, we have experience in managing online marketing campaigns like Google Adwords, Facebook or Linkedin from the scratch. If you do not have time we can assist you by setting the right goals, creating the campaigns and after everything is set we will optimize the campaigns to achieve the best results and increase your sales or bring you more leads. For more details check out our page for online marketing.
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