The Awesome Search Based Website
Search based website development demands a very precise, methodical preparation and organization in terms of building the mechanics of the whole search engine. While putting together this type of website you first need to study the user journey and know exactly what the users are going to search for and what they are going to use your services for. This way you can predict the steps you will need and their destinations in a much clearer way.
In this article we will explore the best practices when doing a search based website development and the thought process of it.
Search Based Website – Identify the various types of user persona
In order to accurately build a search based website development it is imperative to know the various types of user persona. What is a user persona? Is nothing less than the type of person who is going to use your website. For example, let’s imagine an NGO shelter database website, that provides shelters to people who lost their homes in natural disasters; the types of user persona are likely to be a father who lost his home and have no means to build another home for his family, or a builder who would want to donate his construction work to the cause or wealthy organizations and individuals who would want to donate funds. Knowing all of this information, you are then likely to build a very accurate search engine for the different types of user needs.
Make the search engine as simple and as visible as possible
In this type of website development the users will fall in a variety of different backgrounds and it is very important to build a search engine that is clear for everybody. In this matter, it is always wise to choose UX over UI and build a search engine that is intuitive and very user friendly, as well as visible.
Filter accordingly
Filtering wisely is key in order to make a successful search engine in website development. Using the example above, of a shelter database website, the user probably would search for types of shelter, types of weather condition it is build for, materials, location etc, so this would be the key targets to hit when it comes to filtering so the user can arrive from A to B in a painless and intuitive way.
Make two types of result display
Result displays usually come in two forms, either a grid or a list, or a map or a list, this way it can attract a wider audience and the user has the option to personalise their viewing experience. Some people prefer lists whereas other people are more visual and prefer a grid or a map where it’s more interactive.
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