
Mondes Polaires – a cool website development project

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What could be more adventurous than traveling to the Poles ? This was one of our favorite projects in 2019. The website needed to reflect the numerous colors of the region and the multiple choices of trips and cruises. We designed in details all icons, filters, popups and fields by categories for each menu.

With the page structure we followed the initial guidelines of the approved design : similar topics had the same appearance and information structure.

The client wished to highlight the multiple options and to let the user personalize his/her selection of cruises, dates, ships or land tours f.ex.. This approach required the integration of a refined filter on the homepage that could end up in a shorter list of results.

The results appear as thumbnails at the bottom of the screen and several links lead to specific information pages.

At the development phases, we got to create links in between multiple servers in order to be able to estimate prices real time to show to potential travelers.

Website Development


Le Tigre Vanillé


Webdesign, Development


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