Case Study

FDI (World Dental Federation) Mental Health Toolkit

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Website Development for FDI World Dental Federation

Founded in 1900, FDI World Dental Federation is a prestigious international organisation representing over 1 million dentists worldwide, dedicated to leading the world to optimal oral health. Recognising that dental health professionals are often exposed to high stress lifestyles, which can negatively impact their health, FDI wanted to create a website where this can be identified, using an assessment tool, and then improved, with tips and guidance through the website.

Website Development for FDI World Dental Federation

The Solution

The FDI’s Mental Health Toolkit can be used on three levels: individual, organisational and national level. The individual level is dedicated to oral healthcare workers and dental team members, working individually or within a team. Organisational level dedicated to dental practices, dental clinics in hospitals, universities, and dental technician laboratories. The National level is dedicated to national Dental Associations and other national/international organisations with a focus on dentistry, universities, local and national governments. Each level is divided into three subsections: Determine, Do and Discuss.

The Solution

Functionality of the Toolkit

The FDI Mental Health Toolkit is an innovative resource designed for dental professionals, but its implications extend beyond dentistry. In the eyes of a web development agency, it offers unique insights into how health-focused digital tools can be constructed and employed.

Swiss Tomato, a leading website development agency in Geneva was happy to partner with FDI for the development of this toolkit. The website functions as a detailed guide, identifying the stress factors that dental health professionals can face, and how these impact their mental health. Once individuals complete the online assessment, part of the “Determine” section of each level, in the “Do” section they can find the recommendations to take action on improving their well-being. These include relaxation techniques, mindfulness-based relaxation, and exercise, as well as changing behaviour and thoughts, that can help cope with the physiological manifestations of stress. Finally, a “Discuss” section, which provides guidance to discussing and sharing experiences.

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The FDI Mental Health Toolkit will enable dental healthcare professionals worldwide to take better care of their health, which will in turn allow them to perform their medical duties better.


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