News app
Reading the news on your phone, in a news app has become the new normal as people rely more and more on their phones to stay informed. News providers everywhere suddenly realise the urgency of turning their news source into an online format and the competition is fierce. There are a lot of news app development options out there and this article will explore the most important and innovative features found in several of them.
Audio feature
Most news app development have an audio feature which is revolutionary in many ways. Whether you are on the go and just pop the headphones in order to stay informed while commuting or perhaps if you have visual limitations, this is a unique feature that provides a wider spectrum of possibilities to all.
Progress Bar
The progress bar is particularly interesting as you can preview the size of the article you are reading. Most millennials are impatient and would probably rather save a long article to read later, so the progress bar is particularly handy in news app development as it gives you a sense of how long an article is and if it’s worth reading later.
Category display
The category display is very user-friendly as readers can simply select the categories they are most interested in. Usually they will either be displayed in the menu or in the headers above so readers can navigate through. This feature is perhaps the most common of news app development, it can be found in 90% of the digital platforms.
Visualization display icon
People are easily influenced by others in the digital world, therefore, having a visualization icon displaying the number of times an article was read in your news app development, seems like a very good idea to attract more readers. Usually it becomes very appealing to read an article that was read many times, so it’ll give the extra push to stubborn users.
White and dark mode
Nowaday dark mode has become very popular since it’s a new way to relieve your sight as you read through a news app development. This is a feature rare at the moment, but it gives the users a great deal of control over the app, providing a very personalised experience to the user.
Letter size adjustment
To add to the personalised experience, the adjustment of the size of the letter is an extremely important feature to mention. This is particularly helpful to people who struggle to read small letters and can adjust as they please.
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