New website development for NGO – RHM
The Reproductive Health Matters (RHM) is a Swiss non-governmental organization promoting universal sexual and reproductive health and rights. Their main focus is publishing a journal of their research and analysis in seven languages, to spread knowledge, promote action and to inspire a new thinking.
New Design and Logo
Swiss Tomato has in 2017 re-developed the RHM website, creating a new design and logo. RHM has really contributed to the quality of the new website providing their eye-catching and heartbreaking pictures and videos, which have greatly impacted the new design concept.
New functions built in WordPress Website
The website has been developed in WordPress with pages to explain who RHM is, what they do and information on their journal and its publishing with text, picture, and video content.
New functionalities have been integrated to the previously existing ones, such as a new calendar also present on their homepage with latest events, reports, and workshops available to the public. Recent RHM articles, issues in focus and a built-in Social Media flux are now also available with RHMs recent Twitter posts and direct links to Facebook, Instagram and Google Plus for its followers. Visitors can sign up for newsletters as well as submit their own articles for publishing.
To find out more, please visit